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Showing posts with the label Dr. Simeons Pounds And Inches

Is The HCG Diet Dead?

Is The HCG Diet Coming To An End? Back in 2008 the HCG Diet experienced a huge spike in popularity, mainly thanks to Kevin Trudeau's book, " The Weight Loss Cure "THEY" Don't Want You To Know About ". And although Kevin's book was responsible for resurrecting the diet, he was not the creator of the original weight loss system. That title actually goes to Dr. ATW Simeons who came up with the idea for the HCG Diet back in the early 1960's. However, back then the idea for using HCG to lose weight, although it was genius, I think that it was simply ahead of its time. But with obesity being at an all time high in the United States and in other places around the world, this is definitely the right time for the diet. Even so, I think that a lot of people who hear about the HCG Diet, even these days, don't understand how the HCG Hormone is responsible for helping people to lose weight. The way it works is The HCG Hormone mobilizes the abnor...

Phase 2 HCG: Everything You MUST Know

A Simplified Version Of The Weight Loss Phase: HCG Diet Phase 2 The majority of people look at the weight loss phase of the HCG Diet as the most important part of the HCG Protocol. Whether or not that is true is up for debate. But no matter its order of importance, HCG Phase Two is chuck full of information and rules that one must know to successfully lose weight on the HCG Diet. However, if you were to read all of the HCG Phase 2 Manuscript top to bottom, it would likely take you quite some time. So we decided to take Phase 2 and break it down into a shorter more simplified version. This way you won't have to take 3 days off of work just to take it all in. Another reason I wanted to put together this outline is because I wanted to give people an up to date version of the Phase 2 HCG Weight Loss Protocol -- Basically this outline is a mixture of "Pounds and Inches a New Approach to Obesity" by: Dr. Simeons, and "The Weight Loss Cure THEY Don't Want You ...

Headaches On The HCG Diet

Do you get headaches now that you are on the HCG Diet? Pounding Headaches have been a problem for people on the HCG Diet since it was first created. I personally think that it's a mixture of 2 things, the low amount of calories that you are eating, and withdrawal from sugar, caffeine, or other food additives. As for me, I seem to get headaches if I am on the run and have not eaten very much that particular day - So it only makes sense to assume that this would happens to people while on the 500 Calorie Diet . Now, if you are getting headaches during the diet, they should go away after the first week. This is what Dr. Simeons says about headaches in his book Pounds and Inches: A new approach to obesity. "In fact the only self-medication we allow is aspirin for a headache, though headaches almost invariably disappear after a week of treatment, particularly if of the migraine type." So according to Dr Simeons, if you do get find yourself getting headaches while o...

HCG Diet Warnings

When you start something new, it's always important to know about the things that you should be doing. But I think it's equally important that you take the time to learn about the things you should avoid as well. Below are some HCG Diet Technique Warnings that I have taken straight from Dr. Simeons Book - Pounds and Inches. Dr. Simeons HCG Diet Technique Warnings Any patient who thinks he can reduce by taking a few “shots” and eating less is not only sure to be disappointed but may be heading for serious trouble. The benefit the patient can derive from reading this part of the book is a fuller realization of how very important it is for him to follow to the letter his physician's instructions. In treating obesity with the HCG + diet method we are handling what is perhaps the most complex organ in the human body. The diencephalon's functional equilibrium is delicately poised, so that whatever happens in one part has repercussions in others. In obesity this ...

HCG Diet Phase 2

If you don't know everything there is to know about Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, you need to keep reading... In my last post I gave you Phase 1 of the HCG Diet . And like I told you yesterday, the 1st phase of the diet is highly recommended. So if you haven't done it yet, make sure this is something that you at least consider before starting the 500 Calorie Diet. Now I am sure I don't have to tell you that Phase 2 is the most important part of the HCG Diet when it comes to losing weight. In fact, this is the phase that you will lose all of your weight in. So if you haven't read this part of the protocol, here is Phase 2 in its entirety... Phase 2 of the HCG Diet The entire manuscript that describes this protocol is entitled, Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity - by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, M.D.   Day One: Take an injection of between 125-200 units of hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) first thing in the morning.   Drink one-half to one g...

Your Blood Pressure And The HCG Diet

Would you like to learn more about how your blood pressure may be affected on the HCG Diet ? Keeping an eye on your blood pressure while using the HCG Hormone Injections , is probably one of the best things that you could do for yourself. Especially if you have had problems with your blood pressure in the past. Whether it is low or high, here is what you should know about... Your Blood Pressure And The HCG Diet From Pounds And Inches: " Patients who have brought themselves to the brink of malnutrition by exaggerated dieting, laxatives etc, often have an abnormally low blood pressure. In these cases the blood pressure rises to normal values at the beginning of treatment and then very gradually drops, as it always does in patients with a normal blood pressure. Normal values are always regained a few days after the treatment is over. Of this lowering of the blood pressure during treatment the patients are not aware. When the blood pressure is abnormally high, and provided ther...

The HCG 500 Calorie Diet

Come find out which foods are okay to eat on the HCG 500 Calorie Diet Plan... After you have completed your HCG Diet Gorge Days , it's time to get started on the 500 Calorie Diet. But remember, this is a very specific and complex diet plan, so you need to be sure that you follow it to the letter. Below, is the HCG 500 Calorie Diet as it appears in Dr. Simeons Original HCG Protocol Pounds and Inches . The HCG 500 Calorie Diet: Breakfast: Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk is allowed in a 24 hour period. Saccharin or Stevia may be used as well. Lunch: You can have 100 grams of the following Veal Beef Chicken Breast Fresh White Fish Lobster Crab Shrimp All visible fat should be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird. You are NOT allowed to have:   Salmon Eel T...

Does Your Cholesterol Affect The HCG Diet

Cholesterol is an interesting topic for discussion, especially because there are so many different opinions on the matter. Although, we cannot all agree on what affects high cholesterol has on a person, most people can agree that it is potentially bad for your health. But what does this have to do with the HCG Diet? Well, this is what the book " Pounds and Inches ", says about it... Cholesterol & HCG The exact extent to which the blood cholesterol is involved in hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and coronary disease is not as yet known, but it is now widely admitted that the blood cholesterol level is governed by diencephalic mechanisms. The behavior of circulating cholesterol is therefore of particular interest during the treatment of obesity with HCG. Cholesterol circulates in two forms, which we call free and esterified. Normally these fractions are present in a proportion of about 25% free to 75% esterified cholesterol, and it is the latter f...