Want An Unlimited Supply Of HCG Recipes? They're Out There - You Just Need To Know Where To Look! Over the years I have written about many many different topics related to the HCG Diet Plan. But I would have to say without any doubt that the most popular posts would have to be the ones with HCG Diet Recipes -- which doesn't surprise me in the least. I know first hand how hard it is to eat the same foods day after day with no variation. The first time Suzy and I did the HCG Diet we never really explored the option of creating HCG Recipes with the food that we were allowed to have. And to be completely honest I don't know if it would have done much good - Back then the HCG Diet was just starting to become popular again, so there wasn't much information available online about the diet; least of all HCG Recipes. This of coarse was our motivation behind starting the HCG 411 Blog. The thing is, when you have a variety of different ways to create your food it makes t...