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Reasons To Increase Your HCG Hormone Dose

If you have been wondering about increasing your dose of HCG, you should keep reading...

Some people that feel the slightest bit of hunger during the VLCD think that they simply need to increase their dose of the HCG Hormone to make it go away. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes your body just needs a little time to get used to the reduced amount of food that you are eating everyday.

Besides hunger, there are actually more than a few different reasons that one might want to increase the amount of their HCG Hormone injections. Below I have listed a few of the main reasons.

Reasons to consider increasing your dose of HCG

  1. If you feel like you have no energy at all.
  2. If you start feeling like you have built up an immunity to the HCG Hormone.
  3. If your weight loss stops completely or slows way down. This could be a sign that you need to increase your dose or that you have lost all of the weight that you are able to lose.
  4. If after the first or second week of starting the 500 Calorie Diet and HCG Hormone Injections you still feel extremely hungry.

Keep in mind, increasing your dose of HCG is not always the answer. So before you increase your dose, you want to explore all other options first. There might actually be another simple fix for your problem.

Of course if you do want to increase your dose of the HCG Hormone, you should always consult your physician prior to doing it.

Remember, if you are under the care of a doctor while on the HCG Diet, you should always discuss any changes that you want to make, before you make them.

Have you thought about increasing your dose?

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