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Phase 2 HCG: Everything You MUST Know

A Simplified Version Of The Weight Loss Phase: HCG Diet Phase 2

Check MarkThe majority of people look at the weight loss phase of the HCG Diet as the most important part of the HCG Protocol. Whether or not that is true is up for debate.

But no matter its order of importance, HCG Phase Two is chuck full of information and rules that one must know to successfully lose weight on the HCG Diet.

However, if you were to read all of the HCG Phase 2 Manuscript top to bottom, it would likely take you quite some time.

So we decided to take Phase 2 and break it down into a shorter more simplified version. This way you won't have to take 3 days off of work just to take it all in.

Another reason I wanted to put together this outline is because I wanted to give people an up to date version of the Phase 2 HCG Weight Loss Protocol -- Basically this outline is a mixture of "Pounds and Inches a New Approach to Obesity" by: Dr. Simeons, and "The Weight Loss Cure THEY Don't Want You To Know About" by: Kevin Trudeau, which in itself is a modern day version of the original and is what most HCG Clinics have their patients follow.

Phase 2 HCG Weight Loss Protocol Broken Down Step by Step:

Note to women: Be sure to start the HCG Diet directly following your menstrual cycle to avoid any complications in the beginning.

Day One:

  • Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after using the restroom.
  • Start an HCG Diet Journal (Keep track of the food you eat, the way you feel, your weight, your goals and anything else you do during the day on the HCG Diet Plan).
  • Take before and after photos.
  • Start HCG Shots. Your starting dose is likely between 125IU and 200 IU for shots.
  • Start Gorging.
  • Drink at least one half gallon of water.

Day Two:

  • Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after using the restroom.
  • Write in your HCG Diet Journal.
  • Take HCG Shot.
  • Continue Gorging.
  • Drink at least one half gallon of water.

Day Three:

  • Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after using the restroom. And be sure to write it down in your HCG Diet Journal because this will be your starting weight for the HCG Diet.
  • Take HCG Shot.
  • Begin the 500 Calorie Diet Listed Below.

The HCG 500 Calorie Diet Food Plan:

  • Breakfast:

    Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk is allowed in a 24 hour period. Saccharin or Stevia may be used as well.
  • Lunch:

You get 100 grams of the following:

  • Veal 
  • Beef 
  • Chicken Breast
  • Fresh White Fish
  • Lobster
  • Crab
  • Shrimp

    All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird.
You can choose 1 veggie from the following:

  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Chicory
  • Beet-Greens
  • Green Salad
  • Tomatoes
  • Celery
  • Fennel
  • Onions
  • Red Radishes
  • Cucumbers
  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage

You can choose 1 fruit from the following:

  • 1 Apple
  • 1 Orange 
  • 1 Handful of Strawberries
  • 1/2 Grapefruit 
You are also allowed to have 1 Grissini Breadstick or Melba toast with each meal.

In addition, you can use the juice of 1 whole lemon per day in any way you'd like. If you want, you can use half of the lemon before lunch and the other half before bedtime; or at any other times you'd like.

  • Dinner:

    For dinner you can choose from the same four choices that are available for lunch. However, make sure that you DO NOT eat the same protein, fruit, or vegetables for dinner, that you had for lunch on that same day.
Day Four Through Twenty-Three:

  • Repeat Day 3 Instructions Above

Day Twenty-Three Through Forty-Two:

  • Repeat Day 3 Instructions Above.
  • There is only one exception, if you are doing a 42 Day round of injections you need to skip one HCG Shot every week to avoid building up an immunity to the hormone. You can skip any day you would like. However, you need to be sure and skip the same day every week.

    For example:
    If you skip the HCG Shot on Sunday your very first week, then you should skip the shot on Sunday every week thereafter until the round is complete.


  • Most Makeup is not allowed on the HCG 500 Cal. Diet. However, we have found that Bare Minerals can be used without causing any threat to your HCG Diet Journey.


  • Headaches are common on the HCG Weight Loss Diet, especially during the first week. If you do experience headaches you can simply use some Aspirin, but nothing else is allowed.

Your Menstrual Cycle:

  • If you are doing a longer round of the diet you will likely have to deal with your monthly cycle. When this happens you should stop the injections but continue on the 500 Calorie Diet Plan as usual.

    However, you are not required to stop using the drops or HCG Pellets during your monthly cycle. On the other hand, it is suggested by some professionals that you do actually stop the HCG Drops or Pellets for just your 2 heaviest flow days.

HCG Recipes Phase 2:

  • I would highly suggest finding as many HCG Recipes as possible for the 500 Calorie Diet Phase. This will help keep you from becoming bored with the short HCG Food List.

Note: There are lots of theories and tips for this phase of the HCG Diet. But you'll notice that I really didn't include any of them, just the basic facts. Because like I said above, this is a simplified version of the Phase 2 HCG Diet Plan. My goal here is to tell you what you can expect to do everyday of diet without overwhelming you.

Were there any other simple instructions that you would have added for Phase 2 HCG?

I would love to know what you think ... Please share your thoughts and views in a comment below.


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