UPDATE: As of August 7, 2010 - The HCG Diet 411 Blog now has it's own forum - It's called The HCG Diet 411 Forum. So be sure to become an active member of our community right here on this blog.
While we are on the subject, I wanted to share with you another HCG Diet Forum, that seems to be quite popular with users of the HCG Diet.
I am talking about the HCG Vanilla Forum which is located on the HCG Diet Info site. This site has a lot of great information for users of the HCG Diet.
As I had mentioned in my blog post yesterday - by using HCG Diet Forums you are able to meet other people that you share your diet frustrations with.
HCG Diet Forums are also a great place to get moral support. A lot of people that use the HCG Diet, don't know anybody that has ever done the diet before. This means that the people around you will not understand what you are going through.
Before I learned about the HCG Diet, I thought my wife was crazy when she told me that she was going to inject herself with some hormone to lose weight. A forum would have been a great place for her to go and get helpful tips and support. It definitely helps to talk with other people who have some knowledge about the HCG Diet.
Thanks for stopping by. Keep up the hard work, and as always, good luck!
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