Why is it that people use the HCG Diet? Or better yet, why do people diet at all? I think the obvious answer to this question is...
To lose weight!
To lose weight!
But what are the reasons for people wanting to lose weight in the first place? Some people might say that this question also has an obvious answer, but I think there are actually 3 obvious answers that people often give...
- To look better:
- Because of all the fashion magazines and the "America's Next Top Model" type shows on TV these days, people start to feel like the only way that they can be beautiful, is to be skinny. Even though this is simply NOT TRUE, this still remains one of main reasons that people decide to lose weight.
- To Feel Better:
- Many people who are overweight don't always feel their best. Packing around that extra weight can cause problems in your back, knees, and even emotionally too. Dropping a few pounds can make a world of difference in the way we feel.
- To Be Healthier:
- I think that health should be the most important reason for people to lose weight. With obesity at an all time high in the United States, losing weight for some people, could literally be a matter of life and death.
No matter what your reason is for doing the HCG Diet, losing weight is always in your best interest. (Unless you have no weight to lose) And although people use the diet for many different reasons, the fact is that the HCG Diet works.
What is your reason for using the HCG Diet? (Or for wanting to lose weight)
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