It's always important to keep an eye your blood sugar levels, especially on the HCG Diet. This is because your blood sugar usually drops while on the diet.
Here is what I found out about your blood sugar on the HCG Diet.
So make sure that this is something you are paying close attention to, especially if you have ever had any problems with your blood sugar in the past.
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Here is what I found out about your blood sugar on the HCG Diet.
From Pounds And Inches -
"Towards the end of a course or when a patient has nearly reached his normal weight it occasionally happens that the blood sugar drops below normal, and we have even seen this in patients who had an abnormally high blood sugar before treatment.
Such an attack of hypoglycemia is almost identical with the one seen in diabetics who have taken too much insulin. The attack comes on suddenly; there is the same feeling of light-headedness, weakness in the knees, trembling, and unmotivated sweating.
But under HCG, hypoglycemia does not produce any feeling of hunger. All these symptoms are almost instantly relieved by taking two heaped teaspoons of sugar. In the course of treatment the possibility of such an attack is explained to those patients who are in a phase in which a drop in blood sugar may occur.
They are instructed to keep sugar or glucose sweets handy, particularly when driving a car. They are also told to watch the effect of taking sugar very carefully and report the following day.
This is important, because anxious patients to whom such an attack has been explained are apt to take sugar unnecessarily, in which case it inevitably produces a gain in weight and does not dramatically relieve the symptoms for which it was taken, proving that these were not due to hypoglycemia.
Some patients mistake the effects of emotional stress for hypoglycemia. When the symptoms are quickly relieved by sugar this is proof that they were indeed due to an abnormal lowering of the blood sugar, and in that case there is no increase in the weight on the following day.
We always suggest that sugar be taken if the patient is in doubt. Once such an attack has been relieved with sugar we have never seen it recur on the immediately subsequent days, and only very rarely does a patient have two such attacks separated by several days during a course of treatment.
In patients who have not eaten sufficiently during the first two days of treatment we sometimes give sugar when the minor symptoms usually felt during the first there days of treatment continue beyond that time, and in some cases this has seemed to speed up the euphoria ordinarily associated with the HCG method."
So make sure that this is something you are paying close attention to, especially if you have ever had any problems with your blood sugar in the past.
Have you ever had an issue with your blood sugar?
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