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5 Tips For Vacationing On Phase 3

Have you ever vacationed while on Phase 3 of the HCG Diet?

This week I have been on vacation with my wife Suzy and our 2 little boys - Suzy's dad and step-mom are also here with us. We are all staying in a place called Island Park.
For those of you that don't know where that is... it's located in Idaho near Yellowstone National Park. We are staying in a huge cabin that sits right on the lake.

Suzy's dad and stepmom had just successfully finished Phase 3, A.K.A. Maintenance - So the HCG Diet was a hot topic of discussion. We talked a lot about how hard it is to try and vacation while on the HCG Diet.

Now in the past, I had written about going on vacation while on the 500 Calorie Diet and HCG Injections - Phase 2 and vacations just don't mix. 

But should you vacation while on Phase 3 of the HCG Diet?

It's totally up to you.

Although it's not impossible to stick to Phase 3 while on vacation, it can be very difficult. This is because, when people go on vacation they tend to eat out a lot. And who knows what ingredients and seasonings are being used to cook your food in the restaurant; there is just no way to truly know.

But if you do find yourself going out of town while on Phase 3 of the HCG Diet remember... Maintenance is a crucial part of the diet! If you don't do this part right, it could compromise everything that you have been working toward. So here is a couple of tips to keep in mind.

5 things to remember if you vacation during Phase 3 of the HCG Diet:

  1. Eat in moderation. Just because a restaurant brings you a big plate of food, doesn't mean you have to eat it all.
  2. Stay away from fast food. If you have to eat out, don't go to a fast food restaurant.
  3. If you feel unsure about the food on the menu - order a salad; just ask them to put the dressing on the side. The dressing is where most of the calories are.
  4. Keep drinking lots and lots of water. Do this no matter what.
  5. The main thing to remember is that you are still on a diet and if you do this part right, it will help you to have a much healthier life.

These 5 things should help you if you can't cook for yourself every single night of your vacation.

Have you gone on vacation during any part of the HCG Diet? - Tell us in a comment below...

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