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How To Fight Cravings On The HCG Diet

Do you know what quitting smoking and fighting food cravings have in common?

A while back I was reading an article about How to fight nicotine cravings while you are trying to quit smoking. It was loaded with little tips and tricks for a person to use every time they had the urge to smoke.

The article was very interesting and the techniques made a lot of sense - But I hadn't really given it a second thought until today... I was talking to a good friend of mine who is currently trying to kick the habit, when I suddenly remembered this great article that I had read about quitting smoking. 

And as I am telling them about the different tips that the article had said to use, it hit me - the same techniques that people are using to stop smoking cigarettes, could also be used to fight food cravings during the HCG Weight Loss Diet.

Think about it, it's basically the same principle - with both, food cravings and cigarette cravings, you are trying to get yourself past the urge to either smoke or eat. The goal is to take your mind off of the food or the cigarette long enough so that the craving can pass. So what are these great techniques, well, I'm about to tell you.

How To Fight Cravings On The HCG Diet

1) Chew Gum: Now while you are on the HCG Diet you can't eat a lot of the gum that you find at your local convenient store. But you can however chew SteviaDent. So this way every time you have the urge to eat, just chew a peice of gum.

2) Brush Your Teeth: This will not only take your mind off of whatever you are craving, but most people don't feel like eating after they brush anyways. Food just isn't as good with a minty taste in your mouth.

3) Drink Water: Drinking water works good because it fills you up so that you don't feel as hungry. Plus, if you drink water before, during and after each meal, you will feel like you have had plenty to eat. You should then be able to go longer before you feel like you need to eat again.

The great thing about using these techniques is, you can use just 1 of them, or all 3 at the same time. Who knows, maybe by the end of the diet you'll have stopped smoking too.

What food have you craved the most since starting the HCG Weight Loss Diet?

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