Are you ready for the weekly wrap up post?
This has been a big week for us here at the HCG Diet 411 Blog. As you may already know, yesterday was our 1st Birthday - That's right, we are now 1 year old.
Now I know that 1 year doesn't seem like a very long time, but the 1 year mark for a blog, is a huge milestone. But that's not all we've been talking about. So if you have missed anything this past week now is your chance to get caught up.
HCG Diet 411 Weekly Wrap Up Post
Tell Us Your HCG Diet Story
Would you like to write an article for the HCG Diet 411 Blog? These days, there are people all over the world that are using the HCG Diet. Whether it's good or bad, each one of these people have a story to tell about their experience. Are you one of these people? If so, Click here to find out how you can tell your story...
HCG Diet Pellets
How much do you know about the HCG Diet Pellets? Earlier this year the HCG Diet Pellets hit the scene. But still, people don't seem to know that much about them. If you want to know more about the HCG Diet Pellets Click here...
Tips For HCG Diet Beginners
Are you an HCG Diet rookie? If this is your first time doing the HCG Weight Loss Diet things can be a little bit scary. With so many things to remember it's only natural for a person to be somewhat nervous. Click here if you want some beginner tips...
Hot Topics In The 411 Forum
If you're not a member of the HCG Diet 411 Forum yet - you're really missing out! Since the launch of the HCG Diet 411 Forum back in August of this year, we have talked about pretty much every aspect of the HCG Diet. Click here to read about the latest discussions...
Bruising From HCG Injections
Bruises from HCG Injections: Are they normal? And what can you do about them? It's not uncommon for people who receive HCG Injections, or any other type of injection for that matter, to get a bruise at the injection site. Click here to get some tips about HCG injection bruising...
Happy Birthday HCG Diet 411
Happy Birthday HCG Diet 411
The HCG Diet 411 Blog turns 1 year old today... A little over a year and a half ago, my wife Suzy and I had just done our first round of the HCG Weight Loss Diet. We experienced such great results, Suzy decided that she was going to do a second. Click here to read about how we got started...
As usual it's been a busy week. With maintaining our blog and the 411 Forum, we have our work cut out for us. Even though we are only 1 year old, we have the workload of an adult. But don't forget... To get the 411 on the HCG Diet - Come to the HCG Diet 411 Blog.
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