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Have A Better Weigh In On The HCG Diet

Read this to be sure that you are weighing yourself correctly...

There's no question that it's important to keep track of your body weight on the HCG Diet Plan. Successful weight loss can largely depend on your awareness of whats going on with your body.

Not being aware can cause a plateau. Now hitting a plateau is not the end of the world. But, there are many people who experience a plateau and they get very discouraged - Others will quit the HCG Diet altogether.

However, problems with the diet are not always because of people not weighing themselves correctly. But it can cause many issues with your progress, a lot of which are psychological. Below I'll tell you what to do and what not to when weighing yourself on the HCG Diet.

How To Weigh Yourself On The HCG Diet

  • It's always best to weigh yourself early morning after having a bowel movement.
  • Use a digital scale for a more accurate weigh-in.
  • Write down your weight to the ounce.

  • Weigh yourself wearing as little as possible - If you can, weigh yourself in the nude.

How NOT To Weigh Yourself On The HCG Diet

  • Do not weigh yourself after drinking a lot of fluids.
  • Do not weigh yourself right after you have a meal.
  • Do not weigh yourself on different scales. Otherwise you will likely get different results.
  • Do not weigh yourself at night.

Remember, no matter what the scale says you can not let it affect your diet progress. A lot of people let their weight determine how hard they are going to try. You should give it your all every single day. There are more factors than the scale that decides your success.

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