This Just In - The HCG Diet Can Now Been Linked To Cancer!
Okay, this is kind of a new one to me. I don't know if I'm just behind the times, but today I was reading an article that had been posted on some Anti HCG Diet Blog - Basically, this article was going on and on about how people shouldn't use the HCG Weight Loss Diet, because if you do you might end up with the big "C" -
That's right, I'm talking about Cancer.
Now believe me, this is not a subject that I take lightly - One of my close friends lost his fight with Cancer when he was just a teenager. And my Grandfather had battled it during his life as well. So needless to say, this was something that I wanted to look into.
However, I've got to tell you that right away I was having my doubts that there was any truth to this article. I mean think about it...
If the HCG Hormone really caused Cancer, wouldn't every woman who has ever been pregnant have it?
Seriously, we all would - Even men produce a small amount of the HCG Hormone.
But still, as any good blogger would I did my research. And what I came up with was almost the exact opposite of what this other blog post was saying. I was able to find information about several studies that had been done, where they say that HCG may actually help to reduce the risk of Breast Cancer.
So where did the idea come from that HCG causes Cancer?
Well, while I can't say for sure, I think I might have an idea. See the HCG Hormone is used as a tumor marker when testing for different kinds of Cancer. This can be done because certain types of tumors actually produce HCG.
Here is a little snippet from an article that I read today about how HCG is used as a tumor marker...
HCG is a glycoprotein consisting of subunits a e b, which are nonconvalently linked. The hormone is normally produced by the syncytiotrophoblastic cells of the placenta and is elevated in pregnancy. Its most important uses as a tumor marker are in gestational trophoblastic disease and germ cell tumors.All gestational trophoblastic tumors produce HCG, and it is a valuable marker in these tumors, screening reliably in all cases and indicating poor responses to treatment. The level correlates with tumor mass and thus has prognostic value. HCG is extremely sensitive, being elevated in women with minute amounts of tumor. The patient is followed weekly during treatment, and at the completion of treatment indefinite follow up is advised to detect recurrence. HCG is essential in managing trophoblastic neoplasms.The level of HCG is occasionally elevated in other cancers including those of breast, lung, and gastrointestinal tract, but in these diseases it has found little clinical application.
However, this in no way means that using the HCG Hormone for weight loss, fertility, or for anything else will cause cancer. Actually, HCG can be used to detect Cancer.
So if anything, HCG is more helpful than harmful and in more ways than one.
Have you heard that the HCG Diet can cause cancer? - Tell me your thoughts about this topic in a comment below.
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