Are You Having A Difficult Time When You Sit Down To Eat With Your Family?
For most families, dinner time is a time when the whole family comes together to talk about their day and what new things are going on in their lives.
This is usually the one time of day that parents can look forward to - They get to sit down and spend quality time with their children, while eating a delicious meal.
However, if you are currently on Phase 2 of the HCG Weight Loss Diet, dinner time can be torture. I personally know how hard it is to sit around the table and watch people eat a meal that your not allowed to have - And what makes it even harder is when you have to cook that meal.
Just simply smelling the food can make you experience very powerful food cravings. Eventually, that makes the temptation just to big to ignore - Then of coarse we all know what happens next... we cheat.
But there are a few different things that you can do to make this time of day a little bit easier on you; and the rest of the family.
How To Have Better Family Dinners On The HCG Diet...
I know it may not seem like it right now, but this can be a blessing in disguise - It can motivate you to make your family start eating healthier; which is ultimately what we all want to have happen anyway... Right?
So if you are experiencing this particular problem, try the suggestions above - Who knows, you may find that dinner time can be enjoyable while on the HCG Weight Loss Diet.
What else could you do to make dinner time a bit easier on the HCG Diet?
As always, I would love to hear what you think - So please be sure to tell me your thoughts in a comment below.
For most families, dinner time is a time when the whole family comes together to talk about their day and what new things are going on in their lives.
This is usually the one time of day that parents can look forward to - They get to sit down and spend quality time with their children, while eating a delicious meal.
However, if you are currently on Phase 2 of the HCG Weight Loss Diet, dinner time can be torture. I personally know how hard it is to sit around the table and watch people eat a meal that your not allowed to have - And what makes it even harder is when you have to cook that meal.
Just simply smelling the food can make you experience very powerful food cravings. Eventually, that makes the temptation just to big to ignore - Then of coarse we all know what happens next... we cheat.
But there are a few different things that you can do to make this time of day a little bit easier on you; and the rest of the family.
How To Have Better Family Dinners On The HCG Diet...
If you are mainly struggling with cooking dinner for your family, make your spouse do the cooking while on the diet - Or you could even have the kids do it if they are old enough to do so.
Fix them the same foods as you are eating. If you do this, just be sure to give them bigger portions than your own.
If it's really bad, don't eat with them during dinner time. But instead, make it a rule that you will all spend 1/2 to 1 whole hour together after they are done eating.
I know it may not seem like it right now, but this can be a blessing in disguise - It can motivate you to make your family start eating healthier; which is ultimately what we all want to have happen anyway... Right?
So if you are experiencing this particular problem, try the suggestions above - Who knows, you may find that dinner time can be enjoyable while on the HCG Weight Loss Diet.
What else could you do to make dinner time a bit easier on the HCG Diet?
As always, I would love to hear what you think - So please be sure to tell me your thoughts in a comment below.
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