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HCG Headlines Of Last Week

Let's Step Back In Time And See What Topics We Discussed Last Week, Shall We!

Hey everyone, it's Labor Day! But I'm sure that most of you already knew that by now, right?

I hope all of you had a good weekend and you're enjoying your day off. I know I sure am.

Although we didn't do anything too exciting - It was nice just to have a 3 day weekend to spend with Suzy and the Boys. In fact, Saturday we had a nice picnic in the park before going shopping for a new stroller/car-seat combo.

We are trying to include the boys with as much of the whole having a baby thing as possible.

But before I get too ahead of myself, let's talk about which HCG topics made headlines last week...

HCG Headlines Of Last Week


Last Week's HCG 411 Wrap Up Post: Have any of you ever had a migraine headache? I have! In fact, yesterday I had the worst migraine that I think I've ever experienced in my 32 years on this earth. My head was pounding, I was nauseous, and I had the chills but I was sweating. Simply put, I was miserable.  Read More...


Topping Off The HCG Diet With Some Weight Watchers: This guest post was written by Steve Nielson The HCG diet is pretty straight forward. You take some drops, pills, or give yourself some injections, you limit yourself to a 500 calorie per day diet and you lose one to three pounds per day. If you ask me, losing the weight is pretty easy, the 500 calorie intake each day is the most difficult.  Read More...


The Confusion Between Phase 1 And Phase 2: Do You Know Which Phase Of The HCG Diet You Are On Right Now? With all of the methods and techniques that exist for the HCG Diet these days, you will have to make the decision about which one you should use. This can sometimes be a lot harder than one might initially think.  Read More...


How To Spice Up Your Miracle Noodles: Are Your Miracle Noodles Tasting A Little Plain? Then You Might Want To Try This... As many of you already know, a while back I put together a list of 12 delicious HCG Recipes that I send out to any of my readers who request them. Sometimes, people like show their appreciation by emailing me to say thanks.  Read More...


NuWave Cooking On The HCG Diet: Infrared Cooking? What Will They Think Of Next! Most people who are close to me know that I like to stay up late watching TV. I swear I have probably seen every infomercial known to man - My favorite are the ones for Time Life Music... They are classic. But the other night I just happened to catch one about a new cooking device.  Read More...

Pretty eventful week huh! Be sure to come back and see what great things we have planned for the weeks to come.

What did you do this Labor Day weekend?

As always, I would love to hear what you think - So please be sure to tell me your thoughts in a comment below.
Like Our HCG Blog? Then Don't Miss Out On Another Blog Post, You Can Start Getting Email Updates Delivered Right To Your Inbox. And Here Are 12 Delicious HCG Recipes Just For Dropping By.


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