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Pinterest Fans Are Free To Pin Again!

HCG 411 Blog Is Back On Pinterest, So Please, Feel Free To Pin This!

PinIf you have tried to Pin one of HCG 411's many pictures onto Pinterest within the past couple of months, you were probably greeted with a nice little message telling you that the link was blocked for one reason or another. Well not anymore!

But before I tell you that the problem is resolved and that everything is fine, let me tell you a little story about what happened.

Earlier this year back in June, I had set up an account for the HCG 411 Blog on Pinterest. I then started following a few friends and linked my blog to my account. However, every single time I tried to pin something from my blog I was unsuccessful. At that time I also noticed that people had stopped pinning photos from my site.

I wasted no time in reporting this issue to Pinterest. After a couple of weeks I finally heard back from them. It seems that my blog and/or photos had been reported for spam or potentially harmful content to viewers, case closed.

Well, not for me. You see I have a hard time letting things go, especially when I know that I am right. And in this case I knew that my site was anything but spammy.

Honestly, I think I now know what happened, but I don't want to say exactly what because I don't want to have it happen again. Let's just say there could be people out there that see HCG 411 as competition.

So for weeks I continued to send them emails trying to persuade them to take a look at our HCG Blog and Forum. Because for the past few years I have been writing articles and posting HCG Diet Recipes to help people lose weight and better understand the HCG Diet -- And I knew that if they simply visited our blog they would see that were not doing anything wrong and allow our visitors to once again Pin from our site.

Well after corresponding back and forth for the past couple of months, I finally received an email and this is what it said...

"Hi Brian,
Thank you very much for your patience! We have reviewed your site and lifted this ban, so users can now pin from your site once again.
I'm very sorry for the inconvenience"

Needless to say I am very pleased with the outcome, and I think that all or our readers and fellow Pinnners will be too. So thank you Pinterest.

And hopefully we won't have any more issues in this department. So feel free to Pin away. Seriously though, go pin something!

How often do you use Pinterest?

I always appreciate feedback from my wonderful readers - So please be sure to tell me what you think in a comment below!

Like Our HCG Blog? Then Don't Miss Out On Another Blog Post, You Can Start Getting Email Updates Delivered Right To Your Inbox. And Here Are 12 Delicious HCG Recipes Just For Dropping By!


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