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A Wide Range Of Great HCG Topics

Come See What Wide Range Of HCG Topics We Have Covered These Past Few Weeks.

I know that I probably have said this before, but the past couple of weeks have been anything but routine with the arrival of our new little boy Jaxson.

Things have been so crazy in fact that we haven't done our weekly blog review for almost 3 weeks now - That kind of makes it hard to call it a weekly blog review doesn't it.

I'm actually considering teaching Jax how to blog about the HCG Diet. However, until then you'll just have to put up with me; as painful as that may be.

So if you haven't been able to keep up with our hectic schedule lately, now is a great time to get caught up!

Our Not So Weekly Blog Review

(From oldest to newest)

Blood Clots From HCG Injections? Can You Get A Blood Clot From Doing HCG Injections? As with most diets there are side effects and dangers associated with doing the HCG Diet. Chances are you may have even heard of a few of them. Some of the more common side effects include things like constipation, dry skin, muscle weakness and even headaches.  Read More...

Lose Weight Or Die Trying: If Losing Weight Is That Important, Why Not Do It The Right Way? These days more and more people have the attitude that they are going to lose weight, or they will die trying! Unfortunately with the methods that some of them use they are more likely to die trying. But why are so many people struggling to lose weight?  Read More...

Can Not Losing Weight Actually Cause You To Gain: A Lot Of Things Can Cause You To Gain Weight, But Is Not Losing One Of Them? For the longest time I have said that it's a good idea for a person to weigh themselves every morning while on the HCG Diet Program. This gives you an accurate account of exactly how much weight you lose during your round.  Read More...

Get An Entire Team Of HCG Coaches On Your Side: How Would You Like To Have An Entire Team Of People Helping You Through The HCG Diet? Whether you are brand new to the HCG Diet or a seasoned vet, having an HCG Diet coach can greatly increase the likelihood of your success. Fortunately these days people have the internet, which allows them to read about what works and what doesn't.  Read More...

Why HCG Forums Are So Effective: Do You Know Why It Is So Helpful To Visit An HCG Forum While On This Diet? While on the HCG Diet any good advice that you get can really be beneficial to your success. And these days with the help of the world wide web, there are many different ways that you can get good HCG Diet tips.  Read More...

HCG Diet Tools That Are Right At Your Disposal: Did You Know That We Have Our Own HCG Diet Search Engine? Today I wanted to take a quick moment to make sure that all of you know about the many tools on this blog designed to aid you in your weight loss journey. Now I'm sure that most of you already know about the many HCG tips and articles listed in the sidebar on the right-hand side of this blog page.  Read More...

My HCG Tracker: A Motivational And Inspirational Companion For The HCG Protocol. Today I found out about an amazing tool that many  people have used while doing the HCG Diet program. It's called "My HCG Tracker". This little paperback book is really quite helpful. It was designed to help keep you motivated while on your journey to losing weight.  Read More...

HCG Diet Food Delivery In Miami Florida: Who Wouldn't Want Their Food Delivered Right To Their Front Door? These days most people who do the HCG Diet are working moms and dads with families. So in addition to caring for themselves, they also have children that need to be looked after. Unfortunately this usually means that they are cooking meals twice as often.  Read More...

The Quickest Way To Get In Shape After The HCG Diet Ends: You've Lost The Weight, Now Let's Get In Shape! One of the main reasons for using the HCG Diet is the fact that you can lose weight at such a rapid rate. But wouldn't it be nice if you could build muscle and get toned just as fast? Well, while there may not be anything out there that builds muscle at a pound or more per day.  Read More...

Well that's our review -- Hopefully now we can start getting back to a somewhat normal routine again. Otherwise Jaxson really might be taking over.

What would you like to see us write about in the days and weeks ahead?

As always, I would love to hear what you think - So please be sure to tell me your thoughts in a comment below.
Like Our HCG Diet Blog? Then Don't Miss Out On Another Blog Post, You Can Start Getting Email Updates Delivered Right To Your Inbox. And Here Are 12 Delicious HCG Recipes Just For Dropping By!


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