It's Independence Day, a day to celebrate our independence as a country and our freedoms as HCG Dieters.
Here in the United States we have a little national holiday known as Independence Day observed on July 4th. It's a day that most Americans have off from work so that we may celebrate our freedoms and liberties as a country.
Okay, so the 4th of July is anything but little. In fact, just this morning I took my family to watch a 2 and 1/2 hour long parade - And tonight we will likely have a barbecue, go to one of the many city parks that host a firework show, then probably come home and light our own fireworks that we spent way too much money on.
But for HCG Dieters everywhere, this Independence Day can be a day to celebrate other freedoms as well.
12 Freedoms HCG Dieters Can Celebrate After The Diet:
Our whole lives we have been taught the wrong way to eat - We've been told that it's normal to "Super-Size" our meals, drink "Double Big-Gulps" full of soda and to deep fry everything.
But now all HCGers can celebrate having the knowledge that there is a different, better and healthier way of eating - That we are all free to make our own choice to not be a slave to food.
The HCG Diet has helped to free us from years of unhealthy eating and living. So this Independence Day be sure to celebrate your new found knowledge and freedom.
And if you are looking for that special Fourth of July HCG Recipe to kick off the festivities, try these Summertime HCG Kabobs.
Happy Independence Day Everyone!
What other freedoms do we receive as HCG Dieters?
I always appreciate feedback from my wonderful readers (That's You!) So please be sure to tell me what you think in a comment below!
Okay, so the 4th of July is anything but little. In fact, just this morning I took my family to watch a 2 and 1/2 hour long parade - And tonight we will likely have a barbecue, go to one of the many city parks that host a firework show, then probably come home and light our own fireworks that we spent way too much money on.
But for HCG Dieters everywhere, this Independence Day can be a day to celebrate other freedoms as well.
12 Freedoms HCG Dieters Can Celebrate After The Diet:
- Freedom from obesity.
- Freedom from standing in line at fast food restaurants.
- Freedom from over-eating.
- Freedom from XXXL clothing.
- Freedom from Yo-Yo dieting.
- Freedom from food addiction.
- Freedom from counting calories.
- Freedom from unhealthy eating.
- Freedom from having a muffin top.
- Freedom from love handles.
- Freedom from a double chin.
- Freedom from being a slave to food.
Our whole lives we have been taught the wrong way to eat - We've been told that it's normal to "Super-Size" our meals, drink "Double Big-Gulps" full of soda and to deep fry everything.
But now all HCGers can celebrate having the knowledge that there is a different, better and healthier way of eating - That we are all free to make our own choice to not be a slave to food.
The HCG Diet has helped to free us from years of unhealthy eating and living. So this Independence Day be sure to celebrate your new found knowledge and freedom.
And if you are looking for that special Fourth of July HCG Recipe to kick off the festivities, try these Summertime HCG Kabobs.
Happy Independence Day Everyone!
What other freedoms do we receive as HCG Dieters?
I always appreciate feedback from my wonderful readers (That's You!) So please be sure to tell me what you think in a comment below!
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